3 Ways to Make Your Business More Attractive to Top Tech Talent

Companies from startups to established giants face challenges when hiring top tech talent in 2019. The tech skills gap and high employment give the most experienced executives the freedom to choose between roles. As businesses seek to hire executives with expertise in emerging technologies and who possess the leadership skills to help their organization develop technical fluency, top executives can choose the roles they find most appealing with the companies they find most attractive.

Technical executives are ready to be recruited if the offer is compelling. Surveys show that three-quarters of technology professionals would consider leaving their current role if offered a more appealing alternative. The challenge is to build a culture that technical leaders find attractive and to put together a job offer that provides sufficient incentive to move.

Offers Competitive Salaries

While there are technical leaders who are prepared to take a pay cut for a chance to work with interesting technology, for the most part salary is a key factor in recruiting and retaining top tech talent. If your business wants the best, it will have to pay the market rate and be prepared to top offers from competitors in the same field.

Perks like flexible time, open work environments, and ping pong tables are nice to have, but they don’t make up for a salary offer that isn’t competitive.

Keep Tech Current

Cutting-edge technologies are more likely to attract top talent than legacy technologies. Technical professionals are conscious of the need to stay abreast of developments in their field, and they often feel that dedicating years to working with older programming languages or outdated platforms will be harmful for their career progression.

Technical professionals may be prepared to take a pay cut if a role affords them the opportunity to work with interesting technologies in emerging fields such as machine learning. The “interestingness” of the work influences the enthusiasm of potential hires.

Additionally, it is easier — and less expensive — to hire someone with expertise in currently popular technologies than it is to hire experts in legacy technologies.

Show They Can Make a Difference

The most effective technical executives want to feel that their work has an impact and that they play a key role in shaping the future of the business. Companies without a culture in which technology professionals and engineers influence decision-making at the highest levels may struggle to recruit motivated executives with the drive to make a real difference to the bottom line.

TD Madison has helped businesses in the cable, broadband, and telecommunications sectors hire outstanding technical leadership for over 30 years. Our executive recruitment team can help your business to discover and retain technical executives, but, just as important, we understand what technical executives are looking for in their next employer.

To learn more about how we can we can help your company build a recruitment process that attracts the best in the business, talk to our executive recruitment team today.

BUILDING A CULTURE OF TECHNICAL FLUENCY FOR YOUR ORGANIZATIONChild holding hands with a robot raising questions about intelligence.