Why Technical Recruiters Are a Must For Tech Company Hiring

Recruiting a talented, responsible, and dedicated workforce is hard. But recruiting the same for a technical workforce can be harder. Because technology is always changing, recruiters need to find candidates who are interested in continually learning, especially in jobs that are highly specialized and require a high level of project management.

For this reason, it is important that companies work with recruiters who specialize in technical hires because their specialization means the process will be easier and hiring time will be cut in half. Here are a few other reasons why technical recruiters are essential for tech companies needing new hires:

Technical Recruiters Know the Industry

Non-technical recruiters face greater obstacles than specialized recruiters because their learning curve is much steeper; They’ll need to spend time learning about the company’s technical systems and culture, and they’ll need to be aware of certain jargon and roles. A technical recruiter, on the other hand, already speaks the language and knows the industry. They will have the capacity to talk fluently with developers, programmers, and engineers to determine if they have the right skills for the role.

Technical Recruiters Have Contacts

Because they regularly talk with the technical team leaders in various businesses and organizations, technical recruiters have the networking that companies need to tap into when seeking the best hire for their company. These long-term relationships are useful because they will understand the nuances, strengths, and even weaknesses of candidates — Information they can use to make the best possible match. Recruiters without these deep ties will spend more time trying to connect candidates and some of those matches may not be as informed.

Technical Recruiters Can Screen Candidates More Effectively

If a recruiter does not understand the industry or speak its language, they may too easily be misled by candidates who speak in jargon or inflate their resume or experience. Technical recruiters won’t have that problem. They’ll be able to hold conversations with candidates that will delve into their background in ways that go beyond the usual script. Their capacity for speaking with authority about the industry will help weed out candidates who may say they are qualified but in reality, don’t have the right experience.

Technical recruiters will give hiring managers peace of mind

It’s not necessarily the job of a hiring manager to understand the technical details of the role or the industry. If they don’t possess those skills, they’ll need a recruiter who can speak the language. That way when the recruiter recommends a certain candidate is the best one for the position, the hiring manager will know beyond a doubt that they’re making the best possible decision. 

A group of recruiters doing a panel interview with a candidate.