Executive Placement: Stephenie Hoehndorf, Director of Customer Experience CableLabs

TD Madison was engaged by Kyrio, a subsidiary of CableLabs, to conduct executive search and recruitment for a new Director of Customer Experience. Kyrio provides technology solutions to manufacturers and service providers that include consumer and business marketplaces, security services, testing services, and wireless networking services.

Kyrio’s Director of Customer Experience is responsible for developing and implementing strategies to further Kyrio’s custom-centric approach, implementing business processes and data collection that help Kyrio to better understand its customer’s needs and expectations.

TD Madison led an exhaustive executive search and recruitment program, identifying potential candidates, conducting initial screening interviews, organizing panel interviews, and overseeing communication during the recruitment process. Kyrio selected Stephenie Hoehndorf as the strongest candidate in a competitive field. Her previous roles included Partner and COO at AltitudeCX and Director of Business Customer Experience at CenturyLink.

Stephenie Hoehndorf was appointed Kyrio’s Director of Customer Experience in 2018 and remains with Kyrio today, where she is responsible for creating, implementing, and driving customer experience practice.

To learn how TD Madison will find and recruit preeminent technical leadership for your organization, contact a TD Madison executive recruitment consultant today.